


About Dr. Ian Purcell

Mesa College

Mesa College location address

7625 Mesa College Drive
Suite 200A
San Diego, CA 92111

FAX : (858) 533-8397




Headache Treatment

Vestibular Rehabilitation

Neuromuscular Education

Expertise of Dr. Ian Purcell

Dr. Ian Purcell’s career goal is the development of a world class Balance Institute.  He currently practices clinical Neurology with an additional focus in Oto-Neurology and Headache management.  He does extensive research in balance disorders.

Ian M. Purcell, M.D., Ph. D is an otoneurologist managing patients with balance disorders and heads the division of balance research at C.N.S. He enrolled in the combined M.D./Ph.D. program in Neuroscience at the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston in September of 1989.  In September 1991 he entered the Vestibular Neurophysiology Laboratory of Adrian A. Perachio, Ph.D. and received a total of six years of funding from the NASA Graduate Training Grant and The Texas Space Grant Consortium as a principal investigator. As a neurophysiologist, aviator, and Russian jet warbird enthusiast, he is very interested in providing insight as to how sensory information related to gravity is encoded and processed by the vestibular system to control oculomotor and postural reflexes as well as spatial orientation of the human body moving through a complex three-dimensional environment and actively publishes research articles on the vestibular system.

More information on Dr. Purcell.